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Monthly Archives: August 2007

dream.20070825: family dinner for the apocalypse

by Rob Friesel

We’ve been bunkered for days (weeks?) against the plague and the roving hordes.  It’s dangerous out there but we’ve done a decent enough job of fortifying the house.  It’s not my parents’ house but everything started happening we just let ourselves in here, found the keys, and set up camp.  We’re short on provisions though […]

dream.20070824: death sentence

by Rob Friesel

Teleported, perhaps fallen through some gate to another dimension.  It’s impossible to tell how I’ve landed here in this Star Wars meets Jurassic Park meets Alien wonderland.  Fear for my life; obviously I have trespassed here or else have been caught elsewhere and dumped here for some gruesome execution.  I am in this huge paddock […]

links for 2007-08-24

by Rob Friesel

Daring Fireball Linked List: August 2007 @DF: “Subscribers are readers who, by the act of subscribing to the feed, show themselves to be regular readers. I think that’s a valuable audience…” (tags: web research future todo) Galaxiki via B^2: “a fictional galaxy anyone can edit” (tags: fiction scifi science space todo)

dream.20070822: negotiating

by Rob Friesel

Negotiating. There’s a voice that whispers a word into your ear; sounds Japanese, starts with a “gu” sound. The word has no true English translation; it’s more of a concept than a word. It’s supposed to be a philosophy of negotiating that gets your Opponent to believe they’re getting their way when really you are […]

links for 2007-08-22

by Rob Friesel

125 Code Snippets for web designers via a nice collection of CSS trickery (tags: CSS design webdev) How the USAF (almost) discovered pulsars via B^2: and with tales like this, how could people possibly still believe in USAF cover-ups of aliens at Roswell? (tags: history humor) Google LatLong: YouTube-style Embeddable Maps (tags: google map […]

dream.20070821: hold them back

by Rob Friesel

The students have become teachers?  You have returned to high school as a student; people that you have taught in the past now stand at the chalkboard, doing their best to explain concepts that you long ago taught them.  (Wait, back up.  Did you even teach them?)  They criticize your in-class work; they mark it […]

nothing to see here

by Rob Friesel

A week in review in its last couple hours?  Free associate: Odd-enough pressures seem to be on at all angles; late night forays into long-suspended projects for both work and art.  Digging out seven or eight year old notes for a project that never quite got off the ground.  Been falling asleep at nights thinking […]