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Monthly Archives: November 2012

Linkdump for November 26th

by Rob Friesel

Why Washington needs Joe Biden Alex Seitz-Wald, writing at Regardless of whether you agree with him [Biden] or not, or if history has proven him right or wrong, he is one of the few figures in the most senior echelon of foreign policy thinking in Washington willing to give voice to unpopular views on […]

review: HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps

by Rob Friesel

I was drawn to Wesley Hales’ HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps (O’Reilly, 2012) because it seemed right up my alley — a book about all the latest client-side technologies 1 for building enterprise grade “HTML5-based” web apps. At around 150 pages, Hales takes us on a whirlwind tour of these new technologies and tactics, taking […]

Linkdump for November 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Add Some PJAX to Grails Bobby Warner writes up his approach to introducing some "pjax" to a Grails app by extending the GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper. His approach is easy to understand and will probably work quite well for most projects. That being said, I think that pjax is a great technique, but I've found that the jQuery.pjax […]

Linkdump for November 17th

by Rob Friesel

Chrome: Easier Web App Debugging With Multi-User Profiles Addy Osmani: I'm sure most of you know about this… No, Addy. No we did not. But that looks great, thanks for sharing! (tagged: developer tools Chrome Addy Osmani ) JavaScript DocumentFragment Short-ish piece on David Walsh's blog about using DocumentFragment. It's a bit of a review, […]

dream.20121106: hot air

by Rob Friesel

You’re in a field. There is a hot air balloon overhead. A bright red hot air balloon. A thick rope dangles down from the balloon. That is your voting booth. You grab the rope and start to climb. You pull yourself up, hand over hand. It is a struggle. The balloon is so high. A […]

dream.20121105: live fire exercise

by Rob Friesel

You are in the midst of some kind of military-esque training exercise. A dark house with many rooms. Close-quarters urban combat and all that. Only not really military? You’re wearing civilian clothes; clandestine operations? CIA? some other secret agency? The pistol is real enough, but it’s loaded with sugar cubes. They sting like hell when […]