found drama

get oblique


by Rob Friesel

Now that my trial period has expired, I shall issue a brief, inconsequential review of: Konfabulator!

the good: The idea is definitely good. I like the concept of being able to throw a bunch of neat little dynamic, iconic graphics on my desktop to feed me information. Especially since I can set them to be more/less transparent an unobtrusive. In particular, I *love* the weather widget and thought that that was the neatest damn thing since sliced f00kin’ bread on my Aqua desktop. I could also get in to the uptime read-out, and the iTunes remote widget, the mini-calendar, etc. etc. And since so much of it seems rooted in this open XML/JavaScript-based API (upon my cursory glance, at least) it’s just about infinitely available for anyone to whip out just about … well whatever!

the bad: OS X has enough problems with memory leaks to load up this bad boy. Perhaps the ultimate irony was when I loaded up the Memory widget and noticed that my free memory just started to bottom out. All those pretty, fancy graphics don’t mean shit if you’re system is just going to choke and/or suffer b/c of them all. Sure, run one or two of these and you shouldn’t have a whole lot of trouble but in excess of 5 or 6 and you may notice some slow-downs. Granted, KetelOne doesn’t rock out on a gig o’ RAM (it *is* a G3 iBook, after all) but just the same… Plus, let’s face it, so many of the widgets are lame. Troll through and you’ll see at least 20 iTunes remote control widgets; not to mention all of the assorted “count down” widgets and/or battery read-out clones. And so many of these are available right there in the system to begin with (e.g., Airport signal, battery life) or are available through free apps (MenuMeters). The weather widget is probably the only really, truly awesome one out there. There are some neat ones, granted — but not enough to make Konfabulator a killer app. Which stinks — b/c it’s still a neat idea with a slick interface.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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