announcing a2z
¶ by Rob FrieselA couple of weeks ago, I wrote a little JavaScript library called a2z
for creating ranges of characters and published it to npm.
I was inspired by a rather painful bit of code I had come across where each letter in the alphabet had been specified one at a time. While I could see that sometimes it might make sense to do that… this was not one of those cases. So over the weekend that followed, I hacked together a2z, wrote some tests for it, and published it to npm.
The library itself is tiny, has no external dependencies 1, and exports only one function. I’d like to add a little DSL for it, and a little wrapper to make it a drop-in for browser-based projects… but other than that it’s nice and tidy. I kept putting off making this announcement until those two things were done but… better to just put it out there.
Update (9/3/2013)
Took about another month, but I got all those little thingies done. The wrapper for using it in the browser? Done. Bower module? Done and deployed? Also: gh-pages for it:
Go ahead and try it out!
- Minus the dev dependencies for Grunt and nodeunit, but who’s counting that?[↩]
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