¶ by Rob Frieselto save myself and everyone else a lot of trouble, I’ve created a quick script for everyone’s (well… my favorite anyway) favorite Creative Commons license: the Attribution•Noncommercial•ShareALike license. This is the part where you ask “How does it work?” and I reply with:
For those of you using an “allscripts” or similar such file to hold all your useful javascripts in one place, add the following code:
function copyleft() {
document.write('<div class="copyleft">',
'<a href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" border=0 src=""></a><br>',
'This work is licensed under a ',
'<a href="">Creative Commons License</a>.',
Then in your stylesheet file, add:
div.copyleft {
text-align: center;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: x-small;
(for those not using the above methods, email me (rob [at] found [no space!] drama [dot] net) for the workarounds!)
THEN when you post content that you want to include under that license, add the following:
And you’re good to go. See:
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