found drama

get oblique

by Rob Friesel

Czar– Thought this was it? Oh that… That was 4 beers into a meditation on that job medley. Love code. Love graphics. Love web de(sign|velopment). Hate answering bullshit questions. But even that is 2ndary to feeling like I was lied to. “Thought this was it…” Thought this job would be where I settled for a while. I feel a need to stand up for myself and either get what I want or look elsewhere. (Again. So soon.)

It also seemed a fitting conclusion to the mental meandering on acct of the Sablotron thing. Which I think is the answer to my XML-displaying-on-Mac-browsers woes. But will (can, does) require recompiling the PHP module for Apache and (frankly) I’m still knee deep in figuring out WHERE the actual modules are installed. Plus I don’t want to go messing around w/ gcc right now and the inevitable headaches that come w/ compiling s/t that is well documented on other platforms but not on mine. I’m not THAT big of a code jockey. I’ll prob’ly see success if I read up on the BSD lit re: PHP/Sablotron compiling/configuring. But there’s always SOMETHING. Otherwise they would be gccalling it MacBSD instead of Darwin or OSX.


Why do my short posts always wind up so loooooooong?

peace out for now kids, I’ve got a Q to attend to…

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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