found drama

get oblique

express! (part 2)

by Rob Friesel

Brief follow-up to one of my own self’s articles… My rambling/musing on Apple’s new Airport Express

Airport Extreme vs. Airport Express

So one of the salient features that stuck out to me about the Airport Express was the fact that it could pull double duty as a wi-fi enabled print server. I was stoked about that. It’s whole host of other neat features (all in one convenient tiny package) are very sweet and add to its profile but the mixed-OS network we have at home has made the printing situation difficult-at-best. So I was b’gocked by this.

Then I got to thinking… Doesn’t the Airport Extreme base station offer this feature anyway? So I look it up… And sure enough: USB port on the base station. Right there on the feature set: “…share a single USB printer connected to the USB port on the AirPort Extreme Base Station.” (Oh.) Well then…

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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