kiss my dock.
¶ by Rob FrieselFor those not already using Quicksilver… WTF is wrong w/ you!?!? I was resistant to its alluring hype for a while. “Command-Space!? Who cares?” Oh, but you will care! Maybe I just didn’t read the fine-print of all those rave reviews but for whatever reason, I kept thinking that each time you invoke the little app, it was having to search your filesystem for whatever it is that you’re looking for. Ha! That wouldn’t be elegant, now would it? Instead, we have this truly kick-ass, totally transparent application that indexes your apps (and a few other, frequently used items (like Applescripts)) for rapid fire access. Firefox? No problem! command-space ... f ... i ... GOT IT!! Why bother having anything in the Dock anymore? I’ve been stripping stuff out one icon at a time these days. At this point, it’s strictly a matter of aesthetics as to who gets to stay…

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