¶ by Rob FrieselRe-publishing comments I left on this Sampo article…:
War, soldiers, and everything else with a uniform seems to have become penultimately anathema for anyone with leftist leanings. Or else the leftist with the yellow ribbon loses his/her ride on the donkey by some kind of default. The prevailing attitude seems to be: This is your war. And all war is wrong. Therefore, you are wrong. An attitude that seems to split and divide even more than the usual, predictable partisanship.
The odd cut that I keep feeling and pondering revolves around these weird all-too-academia logician’s circles re: How does one arrive safely at freedom?
That and: Freedom From vs. Freedom To
Friends and family that veer to the right all seem to express the sentiment that No Really It’s OK To Intervene If You’re Going To Make Things Better.
Friends/family on the left seem to get very Prime Directive on the whole nine.
Which has a half jigger of irony mixed in because it seems very much the opposite of the traditional perspectives (on each respective side) w/r/t/ government’s involvement. For some reason this seems more sadly hypocritical than it does sadly confusing. B/c that being said, it implies that the hypocrisy on each side is strictly a Do Unto Others sort of thing.
And the worst part seems to be that both sides are not/donning yellow ribbons strictly as a gesture of whether/not they would Do Unto for someone else’s freedom and not over whether/not they care that lads with families come home with all their fingers and toes.
Or maybe I’m just full of resentment and conspiracy theories.
The short version: It’s OK if you’re not me. Who are you again?
currently playing: Lee Burridge “Nubreed 005 (disc one)”
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