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Resolutions Goals for 2007

by Rob Friesel

Inspired by Mike’s post, I feel it appropriate to put my own resolutions goals up for 2007. I’ll stick with calling them “goals” because “resolutions” sounds so corny and uncommitted. Hopefully, we can even have these be measurable… 😉

  1. Write another draft of my novel. I’m shooting for another draft of at least 80,000 words with at least 40,000 words worth of new material. Complete overhaul. Progress so far? Well, I’ve got most of a revised outline as of 06-Jan…
  2. Run or walk at least 10 miles every week. Considering it’s a mile walk to work and a mile walk home, I think that this is reasonable, suitable and proper. Just make good on my committment to walk to work every day. And treadmill it on the days when I do not. And to go along with that:
  3. Hike 10 new trails/mountains in 2007. I did pretty good last spring and summer and probably hiked about 4 or 5 new trails (mostly mountains) — but I think that I can do much better. Not sure if I want to include the mileage from these in the #2 goal. That seems unfair.
  4. Mix at least 1 hour every week. My old Numark mixer is dying; the crossfader is toast, the output from each channel is uneven and staticky, the monitor/cue control is touch-and-go… I want a new one. But I could hardly justify that if I’m not even mixing in my living room once in a while. After all, I had so much fun last week, didn’t I?
  5. Read 12 new books this year. I re-read a lot of books. A. makes fun of me for it. And really, she’s right. I should expand my horizons. One a month seems reasonable. First stop? The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
  6. And lastly… Master CSS. Maybe a bit of a long shot and certainly difficult to quantify. One of the least satisfying parts of my work right now is how “out” of the code I am from a day-to-day basis. It’s a bit stymieing, more than a bit frustrating, and sometimes out-and-out maddening. That said, if I content (to myself) that if I set my sights on CSS mastery, the rest will follow…

I don’t know if this has full-blown “meme” status but I tag… Pete?

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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