what’s up out there.
¶ by Rob Frieselthe exception that proves the rule? Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) gets up RIAA’s ass and asks: “What’s up with them subpoenas?” Not anything we ordinary citizens didn’t already know. “”In this country, we don’t chop off fingers for people who steal something … I think we need to have a broader discussion about how to deal with this issue. I want to be sure that any process being utilized here is fair.” I know some ppl out there want unlimited rights to trade whatever the fuck but I’m w/ Coleman here. $150K fines are hardly in order for someone that allowed a few hundred ppl to upload a Staind song off their harddrive. Doesn’t anyone listen to the radio anymore…? RIAA is just playing cheap shots like an overgrown spoiled brat. But I’m not saying anything new here. (from Wired)
Bluetooth pen!?!? But who really wants to transmit their scribblings via text message this way…? Oh, wait… (from Gizmodo)
And while we’re on the subject… Christ! Just buy a freakin’ Gameboy already! (also Gizmodo)
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