Sunday round-up.
¶ by Rob Frieselvia… assorted!
- File under amusing: Law & Order Random Plot Generator… Hey! I think I’ve seen that one!
A murdered college student is discovered by the river by a jogger. Lenny and Curtis initially pin the crime on a deadbeat father, but after a security camera is reviewed, they arrest a socialite woman. McCoy and Kincaid prosecute, but McCoy must use DNA evidence to win. The old DA takes a drink and says “That’s the way justice works.” An animated demon guest stars.
- File under maybe-too-cynical: Why is it that my initial reaction to reports of the new Korn video is: This is just another way to sell records to the would-be-disenchanted-if… No, I haven’t seen the video. No, I’m not going to think this one through. No, I’m not going to apologize for the gut-reaction. No, I’m not sure whether or not the sentiment is honest, inspired by popular opinion, or just a ploy.
File under dope gear: Gizmodo reports on the Xoxide X-UFO cube case — and damn is it pretty!
- Filer under I-wanted-it-but-not-like-this?: I, Robot film!?
- File under DIY: Slashdot reports on rolling your own LCD picture frame … damn I want one! *ahem*
A little pricey, but still a cool project (especially if you have some of the parts laying around).
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