found drama

get oblique

long and short.

by Rob Friesel


Much to be b’gock’d about.

(1) Got Resin working on KetelOne this weekend. Step in the right direction. Now I just need to figure out how to make it talk to Apache (and vice versa). And convince it to recognize the Xalan jar sitting in its lib dir. [ OH! How much I still need to learn… ] The frustrating part is that I keep mentioning this to ppl I know that work w/ web app servers daily and they’re all like: “Oh! Yeah, that’s easy.” W/o offering any real insight. Some help has been offered … but alcohol seems to keep interfering…

(2) Decision made: This XML/XSL ish is forking awesome. I may be managing at the moment — but I’d give all the management perks up in a heartbeat to program and focus all (and I do mean *all*) my efforts on XML-based data projects. I knew this shit was powerful but DAMN my man.

(3) Spent approx. an hr at a Borders this weekend reviewing several OS X books that I’ve been considering and/or weighing against each other and/or anticipating…

(a) Running … Panther … Davison’s book. Spent a lot of time leafing through this one. Interesting points: History of MacOS as it shoots toward OS X; user-friendly approach to some potentially non-user friendly (but powerful) tasks you can run; cool peek into the boot process; fairly comprehensive. Why I didn’t pick it up: Not enough coverage on FileVault (er… any?); section on printing felt lacking in the Mac-to-Windows-shared-printer info that I have been oh-so-still-craving as of late.

(b) Learning Unix for OS X … very much a neat project and glad it’s out there. Interesting points: Neat tear-out quick reference sheet in the back; nice reference for newbie-to-intermediate folks on the shell. Why I didn’t pick it up: Maybe a little too basic; seemed to gloss over or skip a lot of the material I feel I still need the primers on.

(c) OS X for Unix Geeks … Jepson is everywhere! Interesting points: Feels like a really comprehensive grip on the Unix-ness of OS X; comparison of Terminal app and xterm; decent coverage of using X11 apps on X; good coverage of terminal commands (less exhaustive than the Nutshell but much more depth on those covered. Why I didn’t pick it up: seemed like they cheaped out on the quick reference tear-out (guess only newbies get that, eh?); again, coverage on printing/CUPS seemed to focus too much on X- or Unix-served printers (fuck Windows but still…); while I’d like to geek myself as a developer, I’m not that much a of a *nix developer to benefit from about 1/4 to 1/3 of this one.

(d) OS X Hacks … Whoa! … Interesting points: 1st impression = awesome!; comprehensive coverage of a lot of should-be-obvious and not-so-obvious tricks, hacks, and kludges to bend of the OS to your will; hacks detailed range from the easy to the balls-out tough, from the armchair geeky to the I-speak-in-Assembly geeky. Why I didn’t pick it up: Randomly flipping through pages, I kept feeling like I was hitting on things I had little to no interest in (iTunes broadcasting over web?); I felt like 1/3 the hacks I’d figured out on my own already; a couple of them (FTP from the Finder!?) I knew were flaky-at-best to begin with.

(e) Definitive AppleScriptdefinitive! … Interesting points: Looks to be very much the comprehensive guide; decent AppleScript appendix; nice analogs drawn to other languages. Why I didn’t pick it up: Price tag seemed a little steep; didn’t plan to get that involved in AppleScript; even flipping through and checking out the examples and dictionaries, the language still seems pretty obtuse; part of me leans toward the Nutshell

For those that didn’t already here: We have basically sold out house already.

Rock on.

And we think we may have found the phattest fucking pad 20-somethings-dreamhouse of all time and at a price that is to fucking die for. We wait further instructions from the Elder Gods … but GODDAMN! If Cthulu ain’t down he can go funk himself. This one must be ours.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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