Son of Google Suggest
¶ by Rob FrieselAbout 6 months ago (you may recall), Google announced their Google Suggest beta project – – the idea being that they’ll “suggest” the top hits for a given string. So, with my interest piqued, I blogged the alphabet according to Google. More of a curiosity than anything else…
I guess I’m not surprised that it’s still around. Nothing really seems gained or lost by getting rid of it. Though I’ll also admit I’m not too surprised it hasn’t gained more notoriety. I’m sure it would be more of a nuisance than anything else. Anyway, 6 months later, here it is again:
The Alphabet According to Google Suggest
And for good measure this time…
The Cardinal Numbers According to Google

Alas, symbols don’t work. Well, “.” does – – but no one wants to see a list that reads “.com … .net … .net programming etc.” boring
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