found drama

get oblique

dream.20060717: Tom Cruise’s rant

by Rob Friesel

There’s a large body of folks from the community gathered in a central location. It’s like a pub where everyone gathers to watch the news and other entertainment. (Imagine an alternate history where people understood sharing and valued community gathering; the resulting present is this place where community’s are designed to be easily navigable by foot and everyone gets together centrally for eating, story-telling, and the news.) Featured on the program tonight, the commentator is giving Tom Cruise an opportunity to respond to some recent allegations and accusations. When Tom’s face appears (larger than life, no doubt) on the screen, it’s obvious that he’s not expecting to have his picture shown. His hair has gotten a bit scragggly and his beard has come in (though his moustache is neatly trimmed and groomed); the visage is familiar as someone else and yet as him simultaneously. He mumbles something about not being sure if the picture and sound are making it through or not. Then he flips open his cell phone and starts screaming into it; he’s tired of being the subject of so much constant scrutiny and beratement. The rant goes on for several minutes before he abruptly snaps shut his phone and the screen flickers out.

Everyone gathered in the pub looks ashamed, perhaps even feels a bit bad for him. What monsters have we become? Except that no one in this town seems to know exactly who this Tom Cruise person is. We value his privacy (as we would value everyone else’s) but why is he accusing us of violating it? I jump up onto a table and explain to everyone that they shouldn’t feel bad. We shouldn’t dwell on this petty, tempermental man’s problems. If we focus on them, we’ll become obsessed and his self-fulfilling prophecy will reveal itself as true.

It’s a nice day outside. So we all go out and play croquet and ultimate frisbee.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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