I Am In Google Earth
¶ by Rob FrieselI am pretty excited today because several photos that I had uploaded to Panoramio a while back have been selected as featured photos for Google Earth. w00t!I find it a bit funny and “full circle” because I first stumbled across Panoramio by way Google Earth. I was “flying around” Burlington and noticed all the snapshots in the Panoramio layer. The one that caught my attention was the portrait of 135 Pearl Street. The photograph was of the building’s frontage from back in its club days. I thought to myself: My, this is out of date. It’s a Papa John’s now… So I went exploring in Panoramio itself. Ultimately I was a bit disappointed; Panoramio’s entire focus is on geotagging so it doesn’t have nearly the same level of social elements as Flickr. Just the same, I uploaded a bunch of pictures on a whim, to see if they would get picked up as Google Earth features. Much to my surprise, 13 of those photos made the for today’s update:
- Shelburne Pond (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Mt. Philo Panoramic (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Fletcher Free Library (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Rock of Ages Quarry (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Bove’s with Icicle (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Vermont Pub & Brewery (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Bennington Potters North (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Lake Champlain Sunset: 23-Nov-2006 (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Worcester Branch from Rose Lucia Bridge (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Green Steeple of St. Paul Street (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Snake Mountain panoramic (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Bolton Potholes (Panoramio & Flickr)
- Bristol Falls panorama (Panoramio & Flickr)
So if you happen to be enjoying some Google Earth action today, scoot over to its virtual Vermont and check some of these out!
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