found drama

get oblique

re NaNoWriMo ’09

by Rob Friesel

If you didn’t hear, I went ahead and did “the dumb thing” and enrolled myself 1 in NaNoWriMo 2009.  For the uninitiated, “NaNoWriMo” is “National Novel Writing Month” – the challenge is to write a novel (defined as 50,000 words or more, for the sake of the event) between midnight November 1 and 11:59pm November 30.  The novel doesn’t have to by any good – it just has to be 50,000+ words.  In fact, the event’s motto is: “No plot? No problem!”

Why do such a thing?

It’s fun.  And if you aspire to write (and/or publish) a novel then it’s pretty motivating to participate in a big collective event like this one.

So I’m doing it this year.  In what has turned out to be one of the end-to-end busiest Novembers of my life.  Well…  So be it.

I’m using it as an excuse to write out a novel-length idea that I had about a year ago.  A kind of self-lampooning science fiction story that toys with a few popular tropes.  Anyway, we’ll see where it goes.  So far progress has been well:

14,514 words
35,486 words to go

About two days ahead of pace.  With my birthday last night 2 and some big looming crazy project deadlines at work and a crazy little toddler at home and the Thanksgiving holiday here-before-you-know-it…  Well, wish me luck.

  1. Look me up as user “founddrama”.[]
  2. Now 30, thank you.[]

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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