Linkdump for May 29th
¶ by Rob Friesel-
An introduction and starter guide by Grunt's creator, Ben Alman at Bocoup. Grunt is a JavaScript-based build tool. And it looks pretty sweet. I expect I'll be checking it out in the not too distant future.
At the Twitter Engineering blog. A laundry list of improvements, noticeable among them: dumping the client-side rendering for server-side rendering, dumping the hashbang, and CommonJS modules delivered via AMD.
At Mozilla's "Rooftop Lab". Want.
Mike LaBossiere, writing at Talking Philosophy about dystopian science fiction and Stephenson's Hieroglyph project. While I'm intrigued by Stephenson's project to kickstart "inspirational works infused with optimism", I also find myself curious: Where does the dystopian work come from? Is the genre really dominated by those themes right now? What has motivated so many authors to go down that road? Are we drawn that way as writers (or readers) because of some external force? Or something else?
At Wired Science: Dot Physics.
Why do people still think these are lasers?
I love that Mike writes about reading. I love what Mike writes about reading.
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