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Category Archives: Link Dump

Link lists, round-ups, recaps, dumps, and other sometimes somewhat salacious sundry sediments and sentiments.

Linkdump for July 15th

by Rob Friesel

Balance Your Work and Personal Life Like a Pro Kevin Daum at Make a list of the activities that give you energy and strength. Make these a priority in your life. (tagged: work-life balance ) Looking At Attribute Interpolation Workflow Changes In AngularJS Ben Nadel with a breakdown of a small but important change […]

Linkdump for June 6th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript Memory Profiling Oriented toward profiling in the Chome Dev Tools, but the underlying principles hold true across browsers. Lots of detail in here. (tagged: JavaScript performance memory garbage collection profiling ) Script-injected "async scripts" considered harmful Ilya Grigorik: The inline JavaScript solution has a subtle, but very important (and an often overlooked) performance gotcha: […]

Linkdump for May 3rd

by Rob Friesel

Google Web Fundamentals I see this and I can't help but think Could we please get WebPlatform Docs out of alpha before embarking on any new comprehensive resources? (tagged: WebPlatform Docs Web Fundamentals Google webdev documentation ) Programming Sucks Peter Welch: The human brain isn't particularly good at basic logic and now there's a whole […]

Linkdump for April 6th

by Rob Friesel

JDK8 + Facebook React: Rendering single page apps on the server August Lilleaas takes a look at using Java 8's Nashorn JavaScript engine to do some server-side rendering tricks with React components. (Bonus points for using Clojure, August…) While there are literally an infinite number of ways to solve some of the problems he's talking […]

Linkdump for March 25th

by Rob Friesel

Microservices James Lewis & Martin Fowler: There’s no reason why this same approach [Amazon’s “you built it, you run it”] can’t be taken with monolithic applications, but the smaller granularity of services can make it easier to create the personal relationships between service developers and their users. (tagged: service-oriented architecture SOA ) flexbox in the […]

Linkdump for March 16th

by Rob Friesel

Silicon Valley’s Youth Problem Written by Yiren Lu for; such a great piece. This pull quote doesn't quite summarize it, but it comes close: Since the acquisition, Biswas, who is 32, has fought to retain the spirit of the vanguard, but his struggle reveals an implicit fear — that young engineers might be willing […]

Linkdump for March 5th

by Rob Friesel

Debugging JavaScript in a Hostile Environment E.J. Dyksen, writing at Mutually Human. It's an interesting story of how they handled the debugging for this particular environment (WebBrowser Control in a VB app), even if the solution itself is not especially novel. The one surprise (to me) was that the Angular $log service was not mentioned. […]

Linkdump for February 6th

by Rob Friesel

DalekJS "Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript" … like a not-so-clunk Selenium, perhaps? Looks like an interesting project and worth coming back around to. (tagged: DalekJS browser automation testing ) Extending silent classes in Sass Harry Roberts outlines a technique for using Sass %placeholders that "shadow" their classes, allowing you to better control the output […]

Linkdump for January 14th

by Rob Friesel

Bulletproof Accessible Icon Fonts Hot on the heels of Ian Feather's piece on SVG vs. icon fonts (vide infra), the Filament Group published their own lessons learned about using icon fonts in the wild. (tagged: accessibility fonts icon fonts ) Software in 2014 Tim Bray's current "state of the union" on the software engineering field, […]

Linkdump for December 31st

by Rob Friesel

Interviewing as a Front-End Engineer in San Francisco Philip Walton: To put that another way, if a talented computer science grad, fresh out of college, with almost no front-end experience can outshine a great front-end engineer in your interview, you're probably asking the wrong questions. Whether or not you agree with him on every point, […]