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Tag Archives: cognition

Linkdump for January 14th

by Rob Friesel

Bulletproof Accessible Icon Fonts Hot on the heels of Ian Feather's piece on SVG vs. icon fonts (vide infra), the Filament Group published their own lessons learned about using icon fonts in the wild. (tagged: accessibility fonts icon fonts ) Software in 2014 Tim Bray's current "state of the union" on the software engineering field, […]

Linkdump for February 18th

by Rob Friesel

Jdrop – JSON in the cloud By the venerable Steve Souders. Anyone doing web development with mobile devices in mind should check this out. The premise is simple: real-world testing on real-world devices, then push your data to a cloud for retrieval and analysis on “saner” machines. (tagged: mobile performance javascript browser webdev Jdrop ) […]

on footnotes, links, and cognition

by Rob Friesel

Recently, Nicholas Zakas wrote a blog post about switching from “embedded links” to footnotes. His decision was largely in response to some data cited in Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows 1; of those data, Carr writes: The test subjects who read the pages linearly actually scored considerably higher on a subsequent comprehension test than those […]