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Tag Archives: optimization

Linkdump for December 20th

by Rob Friesel

IE10 CSS Hacks Louis Lazaris at Impressive Webs. I'd somehow missed this — that Internet Explorer 10 was not going to support conditional comments. (Probably because I don't pay enough attention to IE-related news?) Conditional comments were only ever "the least hacky" way of dealing with ID's quirks — and though "a hack is a […]

Linkdump for September 20th

by Rob Friesel

Git Reference (tagged: reference git ) Scala School Nice work, folks. I especially like the bit about teaching Scala as a new language and not as "Java, improved". (tagged: tutorial programming Scala development learning ) Don’t Get Fireballed at brown blog (via D. Howell) — filed under "I'm already doing this but it's worth the outbound […]

Linkdump for September 19th

by Rob Friesel

SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web at The Chromium Projects — Maybe I'm a little late in looking into this but… better late than never? Got about halfway through it; looks interesting and promising and I need to finish reading. (tagged: webdev tools google performance SPDY todo ) Optimising your Application with Grails […]

Linkdump for February 18th

by Rob Friesel

Jdrop – JSON in the cloud By the venerable Steve Souders. Anyone doing web development with mobile devices in mind should check this out. The premise is simple: real-world testing on real-world devices, then push your data to a cloud for retrieval and analysis on “saner” machines. (tagged: mobile performance javascript browser webdev Jdrop ) […]

Linkdump for January 26th

by Rob Friesel

New Rules For Writers: Ignore Publicity, Shun Crowds, Refuse Recognition And More by Anis Shivani at HuffPo (tagged: writing philosophy fiction books publishing todo ) How to Publish Your Book on Amazon Kindle (tagged: publishing Amazon DIY ) Performance Research, Part 4: Maximizing Parallel Downloads in the Carpool Lane at Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog) — […]

Linkdump for November 9th

by Rob Friesel

Getting Published is Not a Crap Shoot Victoria Strauss: If you’ve written a marketable book, if you done your research, if you’re smart and persistent, you have a very reasonable chance of finding publication. Maybe. (tagged: writing publishing ) Olbermann Suspension is Lunacy Matt Taibbi (at Rolling Stone): Again, that would be true even if […]

Linkdump for October 29th

by Rob Friesel

WordPress Optimization Bible at (tagged: blog cache optimization performance wordpress ) PHP « Programming « Portfolio : book marked for wp-dbmanager (tagged: wordpress plugin ) Ajax code loading optimization techniques by Bill Higgins (via Rebecca Murphey) (tagged: ajax javascript optimization performance todo ) YUI Doc (tagged: api code documentation generator javascript JSdoc yuidoc […]

Linkdump for August 24th

by Rob Friesel

Climb On! by Lisa Katayama, at Boing Boing — Absolutely awesome article. I agree with every word. (Except about the Rubik's cube; I kind of hate the Rubik's cube.) Climbing feels like playing Tetris with my body. (tagged: climbing exercise mental geek ) HTML5 Elements and Attributes (tagged: html5 webdev documentation ) Efficient JavaScript at […]

Linkdump for August 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Perfection kills » How ECMAScript 5 still does not allow to subclass an array at Perfection kills (via Bad Ass JavaScript) (tagged: article javascript arrays todo ) HTML5: Changing the browser-URL without refreshing page at Spoiled Milk ApS (via Bad Ass JavaScript) (tagged: HTML5 pushState javascript navigation url ) Diffable (tagged: javascript diff ajax performance […]