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Tag Archives: climbing

Linkdump for February 21st

by Rob Friesel

Valid JavaScript variable names Mathias Bynens going deep on the sometimes confusing world of JavaScript variable names. (tagged: javascript ) David Foster Wallace: The Big, Uncut Interview (2003) At Open Culture (via @fogus) (tagged: video culture interview politics literature David Foster Wallace ) Is Device-Friendly Development a Responsibility? Some musings from local dev Mike Fowler […]

Linkdump for August 24th

by Rob Friesel

Climb On! by Lisa Katayama, at Boing Boing — Absolutely awesome article. I agree with every word. (Except about the Rubik's cube; I kind of hate the Rubik's cube.) Climbing feels like playing Tetris with my body. (tagged: climbing exercise mental geek ) HTML5 Elements and Attributes (tagged: html5 webdev documentation ) Efficient JavaScript at […]