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Category Archives: Sundry

A dumping ground for miscellany; the amusing, the thought-provoking, the otherwise memorable.

2017 Wrap-Up

by Rob Friesel

Personal 50 “home days” with E. while he was in part time preschool. 1 Managed to ski 10 times between the bottom half of the 16/17 season and the start of the 17/18 season. Visited 2 National Parks that we’d never visited before. 2 Read 36 books. 3 Read 380 articles (blog posts, etc.) between […]

search term haiku: March 2016

by Rob Friesel

why not spacebar work? pipeline for Spring MVC a Snow Crash conflict “Search Term Haiku” is a series wherein I examine this site’s log files and construct one or more haiku poems from search terms and phrases that led visitors to the site. Where possible, I attempt to keep the search phrases intact. However, as […]

“People still crave that physical proximity…”

by not another Rob?

“It might seem paradoxical that in a world where media and technology are bringing people together in more ways than ever before, the most innovative cities are looking at ways to facilitate in-person interactions. People still crave that physical proximity and the energy and transfer of ideas that happen in these environments; a nod to the enduring potency of local, human-scaled interactions. There’s a balance to be found between high-tech and lo-fi, analog and digital.”

Katherine Oliver, “Think Global Act Local: It’s More Relevant Than Ever”

I think about what’s happening in my own town (e.g., the efforts to build a “more walkable downtown”), and this resonates in a big way with me. I think about how I work best at the office, and again: a big resonance.

“the most innovative cities are looking at ways to facilitate in-person interactions”

by not another Rob?

“It might seem paradoxical that in a world where media and technology are bringing people together in more ways than ever before, the most innovative cities are looking at ways to facilitate in-person interactions. People still crave that physical proximity and the energy and transfer of ideas that happen in these environments; a nod to the enduring potency of local, human-scaled interactions. There’s a balance to be found between high-tech and lo-fi, analog and digital.”

Katherine Oliver, “Think Global Act Local: It’s More Relevant Than Ever”

I think about what’s happening in my own town (e.g., the efforts to build a “more walkable downtown”), and this resonates in a big way with me. I think about how I work best at the office, and again: a big resonance.

building software is half strategy and half improvisation

by !undefined

“I’m writing this piece because building software is half strategy and half improvisation, and I really do think there are ways to train in both.”

Sara Simon, Learning Fluency

Given that my own background has a lot of overlap with her story, this struck a chord with me. The diverse interests, the broad learning, the liberal arts background. You can focus on computer science (or software engineering, or really anything) early and go as deep as possible, as fast as possible. But you’ll miss things.

But something else struck me here in Sara’s essay – something that should have been obvious to me because I have small children: that our important learning comes not in these big flashes (at least not most of the time), but in the repetition of small things. My kids do this. A tiny thing gets repeated over and over again until its mastered, and then it’s just… there. (And again: this should have been obvious to me from my recent study of Scrum and Agile, and its alignment to shu-ha-ri.)