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Tag Archives: learning

building software is half strategy and half improvisation

by !undefined

“I’m writing this piece because building software is half strategy and half improvisation, and I really do think there are ways to train in both.”

Sara Simon, Learning Fluency

Given that my own background has a lot of overlap with her story, this struck a chord with me. The diverse interests, the broad learning, the liberal arts background. You can focus on computer science (or software engineering, or really anything) early and go as deep as possible, as fast as possible. But you’ll miss things.

But something else struck me here in Sara’s essay – something that should have been obvious to me because I have small children: that our important learning comes not in these big flashes (at least not most of the time), but in the repetition of small things. My kids do this. A tiny thing gets repeated over and over again until its mastered, and then it’s just… there. (And again: this should have been obvious to me from my recent study of Scrum and Agile, and its alignment to shu-ha-ri.)

Linkdump for October 16th

by Rob Friesel

Reinventing the Try/Catch Block An interesting bit of hackery but Ryan Morr, although it smells a bit like a solution looking for a problem. (I'll stick with the original advice I got about using try-catch in JavaScript: "It's basically a measure of last resort. If you find yourself using it, you're almost certainly doing something […]

Linkdump for December 3rd

by Rob Friesel

The HAR Show: Capturing and Analyzing performance data with HTTP Archive format Ilya Grigorik and Peter Lubbers on Google’s “Make The Web Fast” show, talking about HAR and tools that you can use to analyze the data. (At GoogleDevelopers YouTube Channel.) This is great. Here are their notes, and Ilya’s associated blog post. (tagged: HAR Google http […]

Linkdump for June 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Advice on Learning Joe Conway on learning Erlang (and learning in a more general sense): Knowing all of the wrong ways to solve a problem is just as important as knowing the right way, by the way. (tagged: mentorship learning ) The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) Nicholas Zakas: […]

Linkdump for March 30th

by Rob Friesel

Whisky Blender Provides Bespoke Potables by Mail Intriguing idea. If you like the blended aqua vitae. (tagged: whiskey ) Publish What You Learn Great article at Smashing Magazine. I can say that this is a big reason why I write about this kind of stuff — I feel like I haven't really learned something until […]

Linkdump for September 20th

by Rob Friesel

Git Reference (tagged: reference git ) Scala School Nice work, folks. I especially like the bit about teaching Scala as a new language and not as "Java, improved". (tagged: tutorial programming Scala development learning ) Don’t Get Fireballed at brown blog (via D. Howell) — filed under "I'm already doing this but it's worth the outbound […]

Linkdump for September 13th

by Rob Friesel

Diamond planets, climate change and the scientific method Matthew Bailes: …I suspect we’d find a lot of commentators, many with no scientific qualifications, pouring scorn on our findings. People on the fringe of science would be quoted as opponents of our work, arguing that it was nothing more than a theory yet to be conclusively […]

Linkdump for August 10th

by Rob Friesel

Nodeload2: Downloads Reloaded at GitHub (tagged: performance architecture git Node.js github ) Fastersite: Finding memory leaks Useful reading on a useful exercise in JavaScript profiling and how to identify and mitigate memory leaks. (Short answer (as usual?) is "be careful with the DOM".) (tagged: javascript web google performance programming essay ) Easy Hikes Around Lake […]

Linkdump for August 10th

by Rob Friesel

What Google Could Learn From Pixar Harvard Business Review (via DF): Despite an unbroken string of 11 blockbuster films, Catmull regularly says, "Success hides problems." It's an insight Google should acknowledge and act on. Google's leadership admirably tolerates failure on side-projects (and big projects as well), but what Pixar has that Google does not is […]

Linkdump for October 5th

by Rob Friesel

PKD writes the FBI October 28, 1972: “…several months ago I was approached by an individual who I have reason to believe belonged to a cover organization involving politics, illegal weapons, etc….” Dare we say that if it were anyone else we would believe him to be crazy? (And how does that preclude us from […]