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Tag Archives: astronomy

Linkdump for May 17th

by Rob Friesel

Apple’s new Objective-C to Javascript Bridge Nigel Brooke at Steamclock Software: These APIs becoming public could be a huge boon to those of us that are interested in using JavaScript in their apps in various ways. It would be an official way to do some of the things enabled by third-party platforms (like Cordova, Appcelerator […]

Linkdump for April 29th

by Rob Friesel

The Myth of America’s Tech-Talent Shortage Jordan Weissmann writing for The Atlantic. And/but what I want to know is: Who are these companies that are clamoring to hire people on an H1-B because it's supposedly cheaper? The "indentured labor" line reads like a bit of a boogeyman to me, and though I'll buy the bit […]

Linkdump for December 27th

by Rob Friesel

First ‘Alien Earth’ Will Be Found in 2013 Mike Wall, writing at with a prediction for 2013. Please read it hand-in-hand with Caleb Scharf's post: "'Earth-Like' Planets May Be Anything But, Astronomer Argues". (tagged: exobiology astrobiology astronomy ) Debunking Responsive CSS Performance Myths Ilya Grigorik. tl;dr: not all stylesheets are blocking, and here's how […]

Linkdump for December 24th

by Rob Friesel

Huddle/PhantomCSS More awesome stuff you can do with PhantomJS: CSS regression testing. An integration of js-imagediff with PhantomJS and CasperJS for automating visual regression testing and test coverage of Website styling to support refactoring of CSS. (tagged: testing CSS PhantomJS JavaScript ) Complexity Analysis of JavaScript Code Ariya Hidayat, on the JSComplexity tool. The briefest […]

Linkdump for October 20th

by Rob Friesel

Photographers, embrace Instagram Richard Koci Hernandez, at Great piece on Instagram and "phone photography" more generally. Photo apps won't magically give Jane the smartphone photographer a better sense of composition, or lighting, or framing. The apps and filters only change a photo's look and aesthetic feel. That doesn't make it a better photo. If […]

Linkdump for October 4th

by Rob Friesel

You do not mess with Big Bird Mary Elizabeth Williams, writing at Romney made the error of looking like a man who is not on the side of innocence, whimsy, learning or childhood. Nor did he seem to grasp that Big Bird is an integral part of a show that was created for and […]

Linkdump for April 11th

by Rob Friesel

Understanding MVVM – A Guide For JavaScript Developers Addy Osmani on the MVVM pattern, and using Knockout for his examples code, no less. (tagged: Addy Osmani KnockoutJS MVC javascript MVVM ) The Amazing Trajectories of Life-Bearing Meteorites from Earth At Technology Review: Their results contain a number of surprises. First, they calculate that almost as […]

Linkdump for April 4th

by Rob Friesel

Grails Best Practices Amit Jain writing at InfoQ. Good round-up on (title says it all…) Grails best practices–regardless of whether/not you agree with them all. (tagged: grails ) Remembering Project Gemini At The Atlantic: this "50th anniversary" retrospective of the Gemini missions is stunning and captivating. (tagged: history astronomy space ) Groovy Goodness: Magic Package […]

Linkdump for April 2nd

by Rob Friesel

A New Green Agenda for Commuters Lisa Margonelli writing for The Nation: The cost of owning and driving a car should be a major political issue. Republicans have spent the past decade talking about lowering taxes, while Democrats have put enormous effort into lowering medical costs; but most families spend more on their cars and […]

Linkdump for April 1st

by Rob Friesel

Vernor Vinge Is Optimistic About the Collapse of Civilization Interview at Underwire at Always fun. (tagged: research future Vernor Vinge ) Saucer Country Written by Paul Cornell, art by Ryan Kelly, published by Vertigo. Looks amazing. (tagged: comic aliens scifi science fiction ) Self-Publish a Novel At Wired How-To Wiki. (tagged: publishing writing ) […]