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Tag Archives: CSS

thoughts on that “Do We Need CSS Anymore?” post going around

by !undefined

The Debate Around “Do We Even Need CSS Anymore?”:

As with just about all approaches in software, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, and for any given development team, they’ll need to come to their own conclusions about the trade-offs. Personally, I think the “do it all in JavaScript” approach seems like a short-sighted optimization. From the component-based perspectives like we’re seeing with React, I can see why you’d want to bundle style changes to the components — but my gut says this is a slippery slope that prioritizes developer ergonomics over all other concerns.

Consider battery performance on mobile, for example — I’d put even money that mobile browsers have been tuned for CSS performance with respect to power consumption, but there’s probably a lot more overhead in managing JavaScript changes and then having to repaint with all those low-level styles applied at the element level. (To be fair: this is a hunch, and I have no data to back this up, nor have I been able to find any in my admittedly brief and shallow search.)

Keith J. Grant’s “stop pretending” point is a legitimate claim, and regardless of which of the big front-end frameworks you’re a fan of, you’ll find that they’ve all embraced some flavor of this by now. However, I remain skeptical of the wisdom to put all the eggs in that particular basket. I still see a lot of value in keeping these concerns separated… to the extent that you can separate them at all.

architecting CSS for a large scale project

by !undefined

Enduring CSS: writing style sheets for rapidly changing, long-lived projects:

Ben Frain on “architecting CSS for a large scale project”. My initial reaction: “Another one of those CSS best-practice articles…” And in many ways this is ground we’ve covered before. FUN, SMCSS, OOCSS, BEM — a CSS system by any name is just a bunch of design/organization patterns that the new member of your team isn’t going to understand. But for all the effort that Frain puts into trying to frame his “FUN” technique, it may be easy to lose sight of one of the most important points he makes:

As a concrete example; being able to delete an entire Sass partial (say 9KB) in six months time with impunity (in that I know what will and won’t be affected by the removal) is far more valuable to me than a 1KB saving enjoyed because I re-used or extended some vague abstracted styles.

And that is the key lesson.

Linkdump for July 15th

by Rob Friesel

Balance Your Work and Personal Life Like a Pro Kevin Daum at Make a list of the activities that give you energy and strength. Make these a priority in your life. (tagged: work-life balance ) Looking At Attribute Interpolation Workflow Changes In AngularJS Ben Nadel with a breakdown of a small but important change […]

Linkdump for June 6th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript Memory Profiling Oriented toward profiling in the Chome Dev Tools, but the underlying principles hold true across browsers. Lots of detail in here. (tagged: JavaScript performance memory garbage collection profiling ) Script-injected "async scripts" considered harmful Ilya Grigorik: The inline JavaScript solution has a subtle, but very important (and an often overlooked) performance gotcha: […]

Linkdump for April 6th

by Rob Friesel

JDK8 + Facebook React: Rendering single page apps on the server August Lilleaas takes a look at using Java 8's Nashorn JavaScript engine to do some server-side rendering tricks with React components. (Bonus points for using Clojure, August…) While there are literally an infinite number of ways to solve some of the problems he's talking […]

Linkdump for March 25th

by Rob Friesel

Microservices James Lewis & Martin Fowler: There’s no reason why this same approach [Amazon’s “you built it, you run it”] can’t be taken with monolithic applications, but the smaller granularity of services can make it easier to create the personal relationships between service developers and their users. (tagged: service-oriented architecture SOA ) flexbox in the […]

Linkdump for March 16th

by Rob Friesel

Silicon Valley’s Youth Problem Written by Yiren Lu for; such a great piece. This pull quote doesn't quite summarize it, but it comes close: Since the acquisition, Biswas, who is 32, has fought to retain the spirit of the vanguard, but his struggle reveals an implicit fear — that young engineers might be willing […]

Linkdump for February 6th

by Rob Friesel

DalekJS "Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript" … like a not-so-clunk Selenium, perhaps? Looks like an interesting project and worth coming back around to. (tagged: DalekJS browser automation testing ) Extending silent classes in Sass Harry Roberts outlines a technique for using Sass %placeholders that "shadow" their classes, allowing you to better control the output […]

Linkdump for November 6th

by Rob Friesel

The Parable of Mustache.js Jan Lehnardt: He praised though, that they were able to build a compatible implementation that could compete on its own merits while still being compatible with a spec and he said that all library development should be done that way. Too often we conflate a great idea with its implementation and […]

Linkdump for October 24th

by Rob Friesel

A Selfie Is Not a Portrait Brian Droitcour: Can a selfie be art? I think so, but it would entail discarding the conventions of subjecthood of the public sphere both for artists and for art—the artist as a singular figure creating singular works of art—and instead thinking of art as an everyday activity. (tagged: selfie […]