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Tag Archives: async

Linkdump for June 6th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript Memory Profiling Oriented toward profiling in the Chome Dev Tools, but the underlying principles hold true across browsers. Lots of detail in here. (tagged: JavaScript performance memory garbage collection profiling ) Script-injected "async scripts" considered harmful Ilya Grigorik: The inline JavaScript solution has a subtle, but very important (and an often overlooked) performance gotcha: […]

Linkdump for April 6th

by Rob Friesel

JDK8 + Facebook React: Rendering single page apps on the server August Lilleaas takes a look at using Java 8's Nashorn JavaScript engine to do some server-side rendering tricks with React components. (Bonus points for using Clojure, August…) While there are literally an infinite number of ways to solve some of the problems he's talking […]

Linkdump for July 8th

by Rob Friesel

Five Patterns to Help You Tame Asynchronous JavaScript Decent post by Jim Coward (writing for the blog) covering callbacks, the observer pattern, messaging, promises, and finite state machines — all as approaches to dealing with your async JavaScript. It's a decent read and is a fairly comprehensive survey. There is some nit-picking that can […]

Linkdump for May 14th

by Rob Friesel

Haruki Murakami and the Art of Japanese Translations Roland Kelts, writing for The New Yorker: Rubin said that the first time he translated a Murakami novel, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, he phoned the author several times a day to nail word choices and correct inconsistencies. “In one scene, a character had black-framed glasses. In another, […]

Linkdump for January 18th

by Rob Friesel

A Strategy for i18n and Node.js John Resig on internationalizing a Node/Express app. If you've never internationalized an application before, it's a pretty good survey of the intricacies and techniques and worth the read. I'm a little skeptical about using sub-domains for different languages — especially if you're already planning to use the Accept-Language header […]

Linkdump for September 5th

by Rob Friesel

Pixar story rules (one version) At The Pixar Touch: #3: Trying for theme is important, but you won’t see what the story is actually about til you’re at the end of it. Now rewrite. (tagged: inspiration creativity storytelling writing ) Atmosphere 1.0, the Asynchronous JavaScript/Java Framework now available! (tagged: async WebSockets JavaScript Java Atmosphere ) Newfound […]

Linkdump for July 4th

by Rob Friesel

Requiem in the Key of Prose By Jake Kerr, at Lightspeed Magazine. Read this. 100% A+ ★★★★★. Seriously, one of the best bits of short fiction I’ve read all year. (tagged: fiction ) The Dog That Voted and Other Election Fraud Yarns Kevin Drum, writing at Mother Jones: Still, Republicans argue, anyone can obtain a […]

Zakas: Thoughts on script loaders

by !undefined

Thoughts on script loaders:

By Nicholas Zakas, at NCZOnline.

I especially like this bit:

An alternate proposal mentioned in his twiki is to create a element that logically groups script files together:

Though I think personally would prefer or .