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Tag Archives: creativity

Linkdump for October 6th

by Rob Friesel

The Value of Subverting Authority Sherman Alexie: These religious fundamentalists are unaware that freedom of religion necessarily brings with it the freedom to mock religion. (tagged: religion Sherman Alexie ) President Obama Is an Introvert and So Am I: But that doesn’t mean we don’t like you. Scott Dodd, writing for Slate Magazine ("Obama’s Denver […]

Linkdump for September 5th

by Rob Friesel

Pixar story rules (one version) At The Pixar Touch: #3: Trying for theme is important, but you won’t see what the story is actually about til you’re at the end of it. Now rewrite. (tagged: inspiration creativity storytelling writing ) Atmosphere 1.0, the Asynchronous JavaScript/Java Framework now available! (tagged: async WebSockets JavaScript Java Atmosphere ) Newfound […]

Linkdump for July 6th

by Rob Friesel

A Software Architect On Chris Eppstein's Coderwall: A software architect lives to serve the engineering team — not the other way around. And ten more aphorisms just like that. (tagged: Chris Eppstein software architect software engineering ) Behold the Boötes void, the spookiest place in the cosmos At io9: There is another, albeit more radical […]

review: Imagine

by Rob Friesel

In Imagine: How Creativity Works, Jonah Lehrer presents a series of experimental findings and narratives, and draws them together into an optimistic thesis on creativity and innovation. But there are two books here: there’s the successful book, the book where Lehrer is a capable wordsmith with a knack for describing and synthesizing these scientific findings […]

Linkdump for May 10th

by Rob Friesel

JavaScript Study Guide By Chris Shiflett (via my Prismatic feed). I'm working on a similar list myself, and was glad to see something else like this out there. Shiflett's is an interesting list with some great choices. Three things that came to mind while browsing it: [1] “That’s a lot of PHP…” [2] I’ll ding […]

Linkdump for March 19th

by Rob Friesel

CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer Nice breakdown by MSDN of what CSS properties/values/selectors/etc. do and do not work in different versions of Internet Explorer. I was pleasantly surprised to be reminded of how many things actually do work (and/or "work well enough") even down in the hell of Internet Explorer 7. (tagged: webdev Internet Explorer […]

Linkdump for March 7th

by Rob Friesel

Pay Only for Drugs That Help You An editorial in the New York Times by Samuel D. Waksal. There are some interesting ideas in there, some of which I even agree with. There is something very compelling about saying (w/r/t/ healthcare) "we should only pay when we get results". But it's also a slippery slope. […]

Linkdump for December 9th

by Rob Friesel

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Saving Our Democracy "Show your support for this amendment by signing here." (tagged: politics ) 24 ways: Front-end Style Guides Great write-up by Anna Debenham at '24 ways' on front-end style guide best practices and some good ideas on how to create your own. (tagged: styleguide css frontend documentation ) Malinda Lo: […]

Linkdump for September 29th

by Rob Friesel

CSS3 tools by Lea Verou (tagged: css3 tools webdev ) A survival guide for Unix beginners (tagged: unix CLI ) 25 Insights on Becoming a Better Writer At The 99 Percent. The common theme: find what works for you, stop making excuses, and put the goddamn pen to the goddamn paper. (tagged: writing creativity ) […]

Linkdump for July 7th

by Rob Friesel

How to run an effective meeting by Kevin M Hoffman (writing in .net magazine) – a good piece but I would add two other pieces of advice: [1] never underestimate the value of a clock or stopwatch (e.g., “You have five minutes to explain starting… now.”); and [2] structure the meeting so you can dismiss […]