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Tag Archives: space

Linkdump for April 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Agile in name only James Turner: In contrast, a company that’s agile in name only will cling to a distant release date and a laundry list of features, but still insist on short sprints and closing stories. (tagged: Agile ) shame.css Harry Roberts: You’d be forgiven for thinking the point of this whole exercise is […]

Linkdump for September 19th

by Rob Friesel

Cable Is the New Novel By Thomas Doherty, in The Chronicle of Higher Education. (tagged: essay narrative television serialization novel ) Do I Really Need A Style Guide? How to determine whether you need a style guide, and how to go about putting one together. (tagged: design style guide ) The End of Global Warming: […]

Linkdump for September 5th

by Rob Friesel

Pixar story rules (one version) At The Pixar Touch: #3: Trying for theme is important, but you won’t see what the story is actually about til you’re at the end of it. Now rewrite. (tagged: inspiration creativity storytelling writing ) Atmosphere 1.0, the Asynchronous JavaScript/Java Framework now available! (tagged: async WebSockets JavaScript Java Atmosphere ) Newfound […]

Linkdump for July 12th

by Rob Friesel

DARPA Wants to Create Space Scavengers to Leech on Dead Satellites At Gizmodo. (tagged: research space robot ) Share Cropping By Kathryn Flagg, writing for Seven Days. Speaking for myself, I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the CSA model. On the one hand, it's incredibly convenient to get a weekly stash of straight-from-the-farm […]

Linkdump for April 4th

by Rob Friesel

Grails Best Practices Amit Jain writing at InfoQ. Good round-up on (title says it all…) Grails best practices–regardless of whether/not you agree with them all. (tagged: grails ) Remembering Project Gemini At The Atlantic: this "50th anniversary" retrospective of the Gemini missions is stunning and captivating. (tagged: history astronomy space ) Groovy Goodness: Magic Package […]

Linkdump for April 2nd

by Rob Friesel

A New Green Agenda for Commuters Lisa Margonelli writing for The Nation: The cost of owning and driving a car should be a major political issue. Republicans have spent the past decade talking about lowering taxes, while Democrats have put enormous effort into lowering medical costs; but most families spend more on their cars and […]

Linkdump for December 30th

by Rob Friesel

Minimus "The OS X JavaScript and CSS Minifier" – a GUI wrapper for YUI Compressor. Convenient! (tagged: YUI Compressor performance minimus javascript css ) A Christopher Hitchens Bookshelf Compiled by @fogus (tagged: Christopher Hitchens reading via:fogus todo ) The Switch: Python to Node.js Paul Querna: After picking Node.js, other choices […] were side effects… Interesting […]

Linkdump for October 4th

by Rob Friesel

Making Laws About Making Babies at (tagged: research politics fertility ) One-Third of Sun-Like Stars Have Earth-Like Planets In Habitable Zone And (as usual?) the comment thread from pedantic astrophysics nerds is awesome. (tagged: Astronomy Science research ) Innovation Starvation Neal Stephenson (writing at World Policy Institute) on the demise of innovation. Mandatory reading. […]