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Tag Archives: responsive design

Linkdump for August 10th

by Rob Friesel

5 Myths About Mobile Web Performance Michael Mullany, Sencha CEO, writing for the company's dev blog: Every mobile browser has a feature area where it outperforms other browsers by a factor of 10–40x. The Surface outperforms the iPhone on SVG by 30x. The iPhone outperforms the Surface on DOM interaction by 10x. There is significant […]

Linkdump for May 10th

by Rob Friesel

How To Avoid Duplicate Downloads In Responsive Images David Newton writing for Smashing Magazine on the proposed picture element, Scott Jehl's polyfill, and some problems with the current fallback strategy. (tagged: picture element responsive design ) 5 reasons to use AngularJS in the corporate app world Oscar Villarreal: You can start by sprinkling it in […]

Linkdump for September 30th

by Rob Friesel

The Flawed Theory Behind Unit Testing By Michael Feathers. My "tl;dr" take-away: testing for the sake of testing is useless unless you're using the tests as an exercise in critiquing and scrutinizing your code and the intent behind it. (tagged: testing Michael Feathers ) Setting Up a Command Line Clojure App Mike Ebert, writing at […]

Linkdump for September 17th

by Rob Friesel

Responsive Web Design Patterns (tagged: responsive design RWD ) Zero Bar Fantastic short fiction by Tom Greene over at Strange Horizons. Recommended. (tagged: race science fiction fiction ) Just Enough Ruby Matt Neuburg: My way of describing Ruby is somewhat peculiar, but there is method in my madness. Most discussions of Ruby explain it “from […]

Linkdump for September 1st

by Rob Friesel

Bugged Greg Knauss writing at An Entirely Other Day: I don’t normally like to talk politics. Not real politics. I’ll smart-ass on Twitter, but I get uncomfortable as soon as I feel the need to be earnest. I don’t trust myself when I actually care. But the Republican convention just finished up, and tens of thousands of people […]

Linkdump for July 18th

by Rob Friesel

DevRates "Open source reviews by real users" (via @kheiligh) (tagged: open source ) Lessons for devs from a responsive build Peter Gasston, writing at Broken Links. (tagged: media query responsive design mobile first ) Bless Bless provides an elegant solution to a lesser-known bug in Internet Explorer which causes CSS to be completely ignored. (tagged: […]

Linkdump for July 12th

by Rob Friesel

DARPA Wants to Create Space Scavengers to Leech on Dead Satellites At Gizmodo. (tagged: research space robot ) Share Cropping By Kathryn Flagg, writing for Seven Days. Speaking for myself, I have kind of a love/hate relationship with the CSA model. On the one hand, it's incredibly convenient to get a weekly stash of straight-from-the-farm […]

Linkdump for June 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Getting Started with Sublime Text 2 By Brandon Keepers. Sounds similar to my own experience getting settled into it. I think I've mentioned it before; it's a solid text editor, and with enough fiddling around, you can almost get it up to "IDE" status. (Almost.) (tagged: Brandon Keepers Sublime Text 2 ) The Plight of […]

Linkdump for May 6th

by Rob Friesel

Flexibility: A Foundation for Responsive Design Emily Lewis (writing at Script Junkie) with a discussion of fluid grid techniques (practices and pitfalls) for building responsive designs. (tagged: Emily Lewis fluid grids media query responsive design ) Tolkien’s 10 Tips for Writers At writingishardwork. It took him 7 years to write The Hobbit. (117) The thing […]