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Tag Archives: whiskey

Linkdump for July 30th

by Rob Friesel

Service-oriented Songkick James Coglan writing at the Songkick blog re: the migration of their monolithic Rails app into modularized components and a service-oriented architecture. Interesting case study, and definitely worth the 10 minutes. (tagged: service-oriented architecture Rails Songkick James Coglan ) Colson Whitehead’s Rules for Writing Colson Whitehead, writing at Most people say, “Show, […]

Linkdump for July 18th

by Rob Friesel

DevRates "Open source reviews by real users" (via @kheiligh) (tagged: open source ) Lessons for devs from a responsive build Peter Gasston, writing at Broken Links. (tagged: media query responsive design mobile first ) Bless Bless provides an elegant solution to a lesser-known bug in Internet Explorer which causes CSS to be completely ignored. (tagged: […]

Linkdump for March 30th

by Rob Friesel

Whisky Blender Provides Bespoke Potables by Mail Intriguing idea. If you like the blended aqua vitae. (tagged: whiskey ) Publish What You Learn Great article at Smashing Magazine. I can say that this is a big reason why I write about this kind of stuff — I feel like I haven't really learned something until […]

Linkdump for March 14th

by Rob Friesel

Thoughts on a (very) small project with Backbone and Backbone Boilerplate Rebecca Murphey on Backbone.js: My biggest complaint about Backbone is probably how unopinionated it is about the view layer. (tagged: Rebecca Murphey JavaScript Backbone.js ) Dan Awesome’s Rage Maker And as long as we're raging out with Rage Face memes… (tagged: weird internet humor […]

Linkdump for January 8th

by Rob Friesel

ssh-agent on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) at Dave Dribin's Blog (tagged: mac osx ssh ) The Whisky Flavour Map "Strange Maps" at Big Think. I don't agree about that Highland Park 12-year, but otherwise this made me smile. (tagged: single malt scotch whiskey whisky ) Abandoned Bomb Shelter, 1960s At Retronaut. (tagged: history architecture […]

Linkdump for July 19th

by Rob Friesel

Launch Pad Workshop report: Five best discoveries in astronomy over the past 20 years (tagged: science ) What Can You Tell Me About Ri? at Al Dente (tagged: rye whiskey todo ) The Only HTML5 Resources You Need for Getting Up to Speed (tagged: html5 webdev ) Dojo Confessions (Or: How I gave up my […]

Linkdump for November 23rd

by Rob Friesel

Beverage Company McKinlay And Co. Drills For Vintage Scotch Whiskey In Antarctica at (via B²) — I wish all news stories were like this. It has everything! (tagged: whiskey conservation Antarctica environment history news ) Pasadena Yoga Some linky love for a friend's yoga program down in MD. (tagged: Maryland yoga friend ) Hacked […]

Linkdump for February 13th

by Rob Friesel

flashbake at Bit Bucket Labs (via B²): source control for writers? get out! (must to check it out (no pun intended?)) (tagged: tools writing git todo ) How to baconify your bourbon at The Agitator (via AJ) (tagged: bacon bourbon whiskey food recipe ) Mindfuck Movies by Matthew Baldwin via DF: of the films I […]