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Tag Archives: Philip K. Dick

Linkdump for July 30th

by Rob Friesel

Service-oriented Songkick James Coglan writing at the Songkick blog re: the migration of their monolithic Rails app into modularized components and a service-oriented architecture. Interesting case study, and definitely worth the 10 minutes. (tagged: service-oriented architecture Rails Songkick James Coglan ) Colson Whitehead’s Rules for Writing Colson Whitehead, writing at Most people say, “Show, […]

on Robocop

by Rob Friesel

When you walk away from Robocop, there is a temptation to describe it as a Dickian film. Certainly the elements seem to be there:  a man with a subsumed identity and a concealed past, struggling against forces larger than him–perhaps even controlling him–in a bleak dystopian future setting.  The looming megacorporation that wipes out his […]

dream.20060518: phildickian

by Rob Friesel

I’ve travelled backward in time to interview Philip K. Dick. Instead of dying, he slipped into an alternate future and moved into a well-appointed retirement community. He’s got his own, secure bungalow and is generally left alone by the staff. He does not seem particularly happy to see me but that’s because (he admits) he […]

recent reading round-up

by Rob Friesel

It’s been a while since I’ve commented on books that have gone through the eye-hole. And given my recent in-take, I’d say it’s about time to make with the commentary… David Foster Wallace’s A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again – – a worthy read on more levels than we have fingers and toes […]