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Tag Archives: Art

Linkdump for October 24th

by Rob Friesel

A Selfie Is Not a Portrait Brian Droitcour: Can a selfie be art? I think so, but it would entail discarding the conventions of subjecthood of the public sphere both for artists and for art—the artist as a singular figure creating singular works of art—and instead thinking of art as an everyday activity. (tagged: selfie […]

Linkdump for April 27th

by Rob Friesel

Crafting a README By Chris White, writing at the Engine Yard Developer Blog. Most of this should seem like common sense, but I'm also glad someone went to the trouble of writing it down. He mentions Markdown in the blog post, but I'd really try to underscore that point: that Markdown really ought to be […]

Linkdump for August 14th

by Rob Friesel

Conrad Shawcross Via Joe Stump's Tumblr. Conrad Shawcross is making some interesting sculpture. (tagged: artist art ) The Darkside of the JavaScript Filed under "edge cases, but interesting edge cases". (tagged: JavaScript ) Notes from the Mystery Machine Bus Steve Yegge: It's possible to write in a liberal language with a conservative accent, but it's […]

Linkdump for May 6th

by Rob Friesel

Flexibility: A Foundation for Responsive Design Emily Lewis (writing at Script Junkie) with a discussion of fluid grid techniques (practices and pitfalls) for building responsive designs. (tagged: Emily Lewis fluid grids media query responsive design ) Tolkien’s 10 Tips for Writers At writingishardwork. It took him 7 years to write The Hobbit. (117) The thing […]

Linkdump for April 25th

by Rob Friesel

something something something Russell Davies: Anyway. It's not just sci-fi. I'm also depressed about the lack of future in fashion. Every hep shop seems to be full of tweeds and leather and carefully authentic bits of restrained artisinal fashion. I think most of Shoreditch would be wondering around in a leather apron if it could. […]

Linkdump for March 30th

by Rob Friesel

Whisky Blender Provides Bespoke Potables by Mail Intriguing idea. If you like the blended aqua vitae. (tagged: whiskey ) Publish What You Learn Great article at Smashing Magazine. I can say that this is a big reason why I write about this kind of stuff — I feel like I haven't really learned something until […]

Linkdump for January 21st

by Rob Friesel

retro_futurism: ОБЛОЖКИ ЖУРНАЛА "ТЕХНИКА-МОЛОДЕЖИ" С 1960 ПО 1969 г. Amazing gallery of Soviet-era propaganda-cum-futurism. (tagged: propaganda art retro Soviet Union Cold War Nostalgia futurism ) Citizens United Fallout: Coalition Asks SEC To Order Corporate Disclosure Of Political Spending Maybe not the worst Supreme Court ruling ever, but bordering on the top 10. If you're unfamiliar […]

Linkdump for December 22nd

by Rob Friesel

Feng Zhu Design When the time comes to publish the book I'm working on… this may be the guy that needs to do the cover art. (tagged: inspiration art ) Bug Prediction at Google By Lewis and Ou at Google Engineering Tools; an interesting look into Google's methodology for analyzing code revision history as an […]

Linkdump for December 4th

by Rob Friesel

What is Compass Chris Eppstein lays out what Compass is, where it came from, and what it adds to Sass. (Hint: "Sass is the star.") (tagged: compass sass ) The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today-Hallelujah! Rick Ungar, writing at Forbes. (tagged: healthcare obama politics ) the node.js aesthetic James Halliday at The Universe of […]