found drama

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Linkdump for April 27th

by Rob Friesel
  • By Chris White, writing at the Engine Yard Developer Blog. Most of this should seem like common sense, but I'm also glad someone went to the trouble of writing it down. He mentions Markdown in the blog post, but I'd really try to underscore that point: that Markdown really ought to be essential — the lingua franca of READMEs.
    (tagged: README )
  • At Alison Pierce Photography. Alison is Jeff's wife. Both are quite talented, and this is a sweet write-up that she did of the piece that he has on display in Burlington right now. (Jeff's collaborator Dave is no slouch himself.) I'm trying to talk Jeff and Dave into giving a presentation about it for the next BurlingtonJS meet-up. (It runs Node.js under the covers.)
  • Very thoughtful post from James Coglan:

    The thing about being well-known is it creeps up on you. It’s very hard to tell, when you walk into a conference hall full of strangers, how many people know who you are. It still comes as a surprise to me when people have heard of me or know my work, and I still feel as anonymous walking into a venue as I did at the very first developer conf I went to in 2007. But the illusion of anonymity soon fades when people come and introduce themselves.

    tl;dr: It's easy to snark on Twitter (and elsewhere online) but sooner or later that shit creeps up on you… so if you can't be nice, at least be constructive.

    (tagged: community )
  • By Chris Ruppel, writing at Four Kitchens; a case study to back up the spirit of Adam Sontag's "one less JPG" statement.
  • Slides from a presentation by James Coglan. I'd love to have the transcript, but even without it there's enough in here to chew on. (Also: I have a new power animal thanks to this.)

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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