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Tag Archives: compass

Linkdump for September 23rd

by Rob Friesel

Does CoffeeScript Have a Future? The most interesting bit in here was Joel Turnbull quoting Tom Dale: I’m not so confident now. What has shifted? Tom Dale states in the thread “Every CoffeeScript developer knows JavaScript. The inverse is not true.” This rings true for me, and it’s not so much that something has shifted. […]

Linkdump for September 30th

by Rob Friesel

The Flawed Theory Behind Unit Testing By Michael Feathers. My "tl;dr" take-away: testing for the sake of testing is useless unless you're using the tests as an exercise in critiquing and scrutinizing your code and the intent behind it. (tagged: testing Michael Feathers ) Setting Up a Command Line Clojure App Mike Ebert, writing at […]

using lists to hold parameters for Compass functions

by Rob Friesel

This past weekend at Vermont Code Camp, I caught Mike Fowler’s presentation, “Crafting Scalable Stylesheets”. In that presentation, he discusses this notion of “smart” variables (slides 32 through 35), wherein we provide an argument to a mixin (or even just a simple @if statement), and then based on that argument’s type-of value, we select a […]

Linkdump for September 7th

by Rob Friesel

Beyond Farmers Markets: Why Local Food Belongs on Grocery Shelves Kathleen Merrigan (deputy secretary of the USDA), writing at The Atlandtic: When the farmer, the packer, the wholesaler, and the retailer all prosper in the same region, it creates opportunity for home-grown jobs, draws more people into agriculture, and fosters relationships between the people who […]

a Compass convert

by Rob Friesel

This evening I deployed version 0.5 of my “Orin” theme for this blog. The main motivator for version 0.5, and thus the bulk of the changes, was to switch from a “pure Sass” project, to a Compass-based project. For some reason, I expected this to be a big effort. But boy was I wrong. First, […]

Linkdump for December 4th

by Rob Friesel

What is Compass Chris Eppstein lays out what Compass is, where it came from, and what it adds to Sass. (Hint: "Sass is the star.") (tagged: compass sass ) The Bomb Buried In Obamacare Explodes Today-Hallelujah! Rick Ungar, writing at Forbes. (tagged: healthcare obama politics ) the node.js aesthetic James Halliday at The Universe of […]