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Tag Archives: Jasmine

Linkdump for April 6th

by Rob Friesel

JDK8 + Facebook React: Rendering single page apps on the server August Lilleaas takes a look at using Java 8's Nashorn JavaScript engine to do some server-side rendering tricks with React components. (Bonus points for using Clojure, August…) While there are literally an infinite number of ways to solve some of the problems he's talking […]

Linkdump for March 25th

by Rob Friesel

Microservices James Lewis & Martin Fowler: There’s no reason why this same approach [Amazon’s “you built it, you run it”] can’t be taken with monolithic applications, but the smaller granularity of services can make it easier to create the personal relationships between service developers and their users. (tagged: service-oriented architecture SOA ) flexbox in the […]

review: Jasmine JavaScript Testing

by Rob Friesel

Packt Publishing recently released Jasmine JavaScript Testing by Paulo Ragonha (@pirelenito), and I just wrapped up reading it this morning. I’ve read a few books on JavaScript unit testing 1 and at least one other that was dedicated to Jasmine, 2 and this one is a strong entry. If you’re unfamiliar with Jasmine, Ragonha will […]

Linkdump for May 29th

by Rob Friesel

Sass Style Guide By Chris Coyier, writing at CSS-Tricks. I largely agree with this list, but I'm not sure I get the assertion that you should put @includes after "regular" styles. If you're ordering the CSS properties according to some specific scheme (e.g., Zen Ordering) then wouldn't you want the output of your mixins to […]

review: JavaScript Testing with Jasmine

by Rob Friesel

Evan Hahn did us a favor and slapped together this primer for us: JavaScript Testing with Jasmine: JavaScript Behavior-Driven Development (O’Reilly, 2013). It’s short (around 50 pages), so you can burn through it in an afternoon, but he hits the high notes and (most importantly) provides a clear path for how to get started using […]

Linkdump for February 13th

by Rob Friesel

Opera Developer News – 300 million users and move to WebKit Big news from Opera. I can't decide if this is a relief, or a disturbing trend toward a kind of WebKit monoculture. These were my mixed feelings, and I had a hard time articulating them. Fortunately, Robert Nyman and John Resig expressed it all […]

Linkdump for January 15th

by Rob Friesel

Filling in Python’s gaps in statistics packages with Rmagic Randal S. Olson on Rmagic, a tool that allows you to execute R code more/less from within your Python scripts: Rmagic lets me pass my data to R, run the R function on the data, then seamlessly return the data back to Python before I start […]

Linkdump for October 24th

by Rob Friesel

Beliefs Isaac Z. Schlueter: Every belief must pay rent, constantly, or be evicted. (tagged: beliefs ) Tribune endorsement: Too Many Mitts Salt Lake Tribune: Where, we ask, is the pragmatic, inclusive Romney, the Massachusetts governor who left the state with a model health care plan in place, the Romney who led Utah to Olympic glory? […]

headless JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine and PhantomJS

by Rob Friesel

Yesterday, I gave a talk (slides are here, and/or rate my talk here) at the fourth Vermont Code Camp on how to run fast, reliable, headless unit tests for JavaScript using the Jasmine BDD test framework and PhantomJS. What follows here is a summary of “the meat” of the talk: specifically, how to execute your […]

Linkdump for June 2nd

by Rob Friesel

Getting Started with Sublime Text 2 By Brandon Keepers. Sounds similar to my own experience getting settled into it. I think I've mentioned it before; it's a solid text editor, and with enough fiddling around, you can almost get it up to "IDE" status. (Almost.) (tagged: Brandon Keepers Sublime Text 2 ) The Plight of […]