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Tag Archives: psychology

Linkdump for June 18th

by Rob Friesel

Client v. Server Templating Shootout At Ryan Florence Online. He's asserting that client-side templates are always faster. This was not what I saw. I saw client-side as faster on my phone, but server-side as faster on my laptop. (tagged: performance ) Caring for Your Introvert Jonathan Rauch, writing for The Atlantic: Our motto: "I'm okay, […]

Linkdump for January 6th

by Rob Friesel

a wishlist for contenteditable at totes profesh (tagged: wysiwyg todo webdev ) Face Research "Psychology experiments about preferences for faces and voices." ¶ Filed under: Holy WTF? (tagged: psychology research science social fun ) When adaptation doesn’t happen Just as interesting a question as “How did these 5 adapt?” is “Why did these 21 fail […]

Linkdump for August 10th

by Rob Friesel

What Google Could Learn From Pixar Harvard Business Review (via DF): Despite an unbroken string of 11 blockbuster films, Catmull regularly says, "Success hides problems." It's an insight Google should acknowledge and act on. Google's leadership admirably tolerates failure on side-projects (and big projects as well), but what Pixar has that Google does not is […]

Linkdump for December 1st

by Rob Friesel

The Technium: 1,000 True Fans via John (tagged: interesting future art writing creativity culture business essay todo longtail ) Some Biologists Find an Urge in Human Nature to Help at As children grow older, they become more selective in their helpfulness. Starting around age 3, they will share more generously with a child who […]

Linkdump for May 11th

by Rob Friesel

Man, 30, gives ‘birth’ to his twin at The Sun (via B²) — HOLY WTF? (tagged: science weird ) The Ultimate Guide to .htaccess Files via Nettuts+ (tagged: webdev htaccess apache ) Burlington police walk the beat at The Burlington Free Press — I tip my hat to the officers; may this approach grow and […]

The Moral Animal

by Rob Friesel

First and foremost: an uncritical read of this book will leave you feeling cynical and a bit cheated. It ranks up there with E.O. Wilson’s Sociobiology and Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene 1. It would be very easy to find yourself getting defensive about the material presented in here; especially if you believe humans to be some special […]