Linkdump for May 9th
¶ by Rob Friesel-
Ben Nadel with an insightful observation following his read of Nicholas Zakas' new Maintainable JavaScript. This make sense to me. (Also makes me want to read the book even more than I did before.)
Irene Gallo at is right. Now is a good time to revisit the "Terrible Yellow Eyes" blog.
At Pencil and Spoon. Aside from the missing legend, it's a pretty good chart.
Rey Bango makes some good points here, mostly about not being lazy. Everyone loves that (apocryphal?) story about the start-up that claimed to save — what was? — $100k by not supporting IE, but it also seems a bit absurd and borderline hostile to turn it into a boast. In my own experience, if you're thorough and disciplined in your approach, it isn't generally that much extra effort to support reasonably modern versions of IE.
At InfoWorld (the first score from Prismatic, which is going to be awesome for me, I think). I scored 15 out of 20 here, which was better than I though, but 5 of those were close.
By "Ben" (couldn't find his last name) at the MailChimp Email Marketing Blog. Links through to a 24-page study on how people use their mobile devices to interact with their email. I have not finished the study itself but the tl;dr version appears to be: "People triage email on their mobile devices (delete, delete, delete, move to folder…) and only read/respond to critically important stuff."
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