found drama

get oblique


by Rob Friesel

day begins…


“[…] Support, this is Rob.”

“Hi, maybe you can help me.”


“So, I’m looking in [application] at our website stats and I had some questions.”

“Sure, I can explain the site stats. What is it that you need to know.”

“Well, I see where it tracks users by … wait a sec … [unintelligible] … ??? … [clicking sounds] … it tracks them by IP address and it tells me what the referrer was and stuff like that, OK.”

“OK. So what part are you having trouble with?”

“Well, I can’t find their email addresses.”

“Excuse me?”

“Email addresses. I don’t see them in here. I want to print out a list of these people’s email addresses.”

“Sir, they have to submit a lead through the site in order for you to have their email address.”

“I thought that was separate.”

“Yes. That is a separate function in [application] and a whole separate component of the website.”

“Well, how am I supposed to email the people visiting the site?”

“Sir, the website stats are tracked based on web server requests. They are generated by people using web browsers to view your site.”

“Right, I understand that. So how do I get their email addresses?”

“Sir, that’s not possible using the site stats.”

“What!? Why not!?”

“That’s because site traffic stats are generated by web browsers. That’s entirely separate from email. You cannot possibly get someone’s email address without them voluntarily submitting it to you.”



“I’m not sure I understand. How can the browser not know what the email address is?

“Because they are two totally separate entities. Email has nothing to do with the web browser. To begin with, it’s a privacy issue and that’s second to the fact that these are two totally different things on a technical level.”






it’s nice having options

(oh, so afterhours…)

laments You know, the only reward for working hard is being shit on.

It sucks to work with ppl you like b/c deep down you know that’s not a good enough reason to stay.

“I thought this was it?” (he said) “What are you gonna do now?” (he thought) “How are you going to stand up for yourself?”

Not just a question politics anymore.

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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