found drama

get oblique

“the tradition of postmodern maximalism”

by not another Rob?

Marshall Boswell, with a very Wallace-esque quote on Wallace, as interviewed for “The Afterlife of David Foster Wallace” (in The Chronicle Review):

The first novel announced very clearly that Wallace wanted to revive the tradition of postmodern maximalism, generally associated with writers like John Barth, William Gaddis, and Thomas Pynchon, but also that he was going to do it in a way that made sense to members of his own generation, who grew up in the desolate aftermath of the 1960s and no longer needed to be shown the hollow hypocrisy of the bourgeois social order or whatever.”

About not another Rob?

Syndicated content from the Tumblr where Rob Friesel collects miscellaneous flotsam and jetsam from around the web and elsewhere. View all posts by not another Rob? →

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