found drama

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La Vida Robot

by Rob Friesel

Probably the most important story published in Wired in the last 5 years: “How four underdogs from the mean streets of Phoenix took on the best from M.I.T. in the national underwater bot championship…” And won.

My favorite parts:

  • Szwankowski was impressed by Oscar. He launched into an in-depth explanation of the technology, offering details as if he were letting them in on a little secret. “What you really want,” he confided, “is a thermocouple with a cold junction compensator.” He went over the specifications of the device and then paused. “You know,” he said, “I think you can beat those guys from MIT. Because none of them know what I know about thermometers.”
  • It was a bold idea. If they didn’t have to run a power line down to the bot, their tether could be much thinner, making the bot more mobile. Since the competition required that their bot run through a series of seven exploration tasks – from taking depth measurements to locating and retrieving acoustic pingers – mobility was key. Most of the other teams wouldn’t even consider putting their power supplies in the water. A leak could take the whole system down. But if they couldn’t figure out how to waterproof their case, Cristian argued, then they shouldn’t be in an underwater contest.
  • “PowerPoint is a distraction,” Cristian replied. “People use it when they don’t know what to say.”

Give it a read. And if you’re as moved as I am, consider donating.

currently playing: Massive Attack “Blue Lines”

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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