found drama

get oblique

wiki fever.

by Rob Friesel

Final thoughts of the evening before passing out in a puddle of my own cortical juices…

Currently addicted to VoodooPad …er… Lite version anyway. The personal Wiki r0xx0rs my b0xx0rs. I’d heard about it about a month ago and was intrigued. I was a little hesitant to dive in though b/c my notes etc. were all jotted on to little Stickies Cmd+H’d out of view etc. etc. But I took the 1/2 hr the other morning to cram some of the more pertinent info in there and I’ve been in love since the 2nd hr of using it. Content w/ the Lite version for now but I have a sneaking suspicion that going to the full version may become necessary.

On the Wiki front, my experimentation w/ XWiki has taken a nice turn. I’d been farting around with it for the past couple weeks trying to get the thing up and running with limited success. After I re-installed it (“completely” this time…) I managed to put a lot of the pieces together that hadn’t been adding up (“connecting the dots”, if you will) and breathed a few sighs of relief. Grooming that bad boy to see how it’ll work out if I deploy it at the office. Still some things about it that bug me but we’ll get where we need to be through hacks and/or brute force.

Now I shall brute force myself to sleep.

currently playing: Amon Tobin “Chomp Samba”

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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