¶ by Rob FrieselAh, a perblog moment. A status report, if you will.
Reading: Orwell’s Burmese Days — delightful political intrigue and social commentary re: the decline of the British colonization in India. ALSO… Brushing up on my PHP again with Lerdorf’s Programming PHP and taking another stab at Williams & Lane’s Web Database Applications… Meanwhile Flanagan’s Javascript book never leaves my desk (too bad it’s my desk at home) and all this time I should really be expending on more XML stuff anyway.
Watching: Re-watched Lola Rennt recently… Caught some things I hadn’t seen before. Dense, it is.
Listening: Still can’t get over that James Lavelle GU and have been flashing back to Xen Cuts quite a bit. I’d be listening to my Boards of Canada and Dehli9 records a bit more but I spend so much time at work lately and I’m missing the tool to get those records digitized…
Doing: Too much work. 9+ hours a day kids, on a light day. It’s keeping me from doing just about any of the things I keep mentioning. Finishing setting up my Apache-based services? Postponed… Some more Java experiments? Postponed… Write anything? Forget it… Fucking depressing.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
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