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Category Archives: tunes

Reviews, new tunes, Top N lists, occasional song and DJ mix downloads, and other musical mash-ups.

headed for 200,000

by Rob Friesel

I’m sure that there’s someone else way ahead of me but it feels pretty good to be closing in on 200,000 plays.  And since it’s been asked already: 199,000+ represents approximately five years worth of play counts tracked via iTunes, iPod synchronization, and “nudging” 1 the playcount when we know something has been played off […]

Radiohead lullabies?

by Rob Friesel

More than slightly b’gocked by the following: While exploring’s MP3 offerings today, I came across something rather unexpected.  When I found In Rainbows, the sidebar suggested that I might also enjoy this collection of lullaby renditions of familiar Radiohead songs. ??? A. & I checked out a few samples.  And I was surprised that […]

Happy Fair Use Day

by Rob Friesel

Today (July 11th) is Fair Use Day!  w00t! What is Fair Use Day?  In a nutshell, it’s a day where we as citizens of the world, as media consumers, as storytellers, as singers, as guitar-jamming musicians, as painters and collage artists, as new world mythologists, as human beings get to speak up (and out) about […]

live Junior Boys, anyone?

by Rob Friesel

Our man JDS over at False 45th has posted a few live cuts from the Burlington show back in April (previously…). Pretty exciting stuff. Especially since he is promising more. The sound quality is excellent. He’s split the show up into individual tracks and has tried to cut out some of the chatter. (Remembering correctly […]

Tuesday Top Ten

by Rob Friesel

Absentee Ballot Edition! The “That Was So Last Week” Method (Match all where Last Played is in the last 7 days, Play Count is greater than 10, Genre does not contain Mix; Limit to 10 items selected by least recently played.) Matthias ‘Matty’ Heilbronn “Arriba, Abajo” Helmet “Rollo” Blonde Redhead “Melody” Morrissey “Seasick, Yet Still […]