found drama

get oblique


by Rob Friesel
  1. Essential reading: Cory Doctorow’s DRM talk to/for the Microsoft dev milieu.

    I’m an edge case here, but I’m a leading edge case. If Apple succeeds in its business plans, it will only be a matter of time until even average customers have upgraded enough hardware and bought enough music to end up where I am.

  2. Speaking of “i” music ish… It sickens me…
  3. …but you still have to admit that the cult of Mac seems to produce all kinds of tasty wishful thinking.
  4. The Supreme Court has made me want to never carry ID ever again … if only out of spite. At least it was a close vote…?
  5. One week to go… How much longer can you hold your breath? Oh, and have you made your predictions yet?
  6. Does Verizon always make it difficult to order DSL service? Or is this all just some practical joke?
  8. Removable and washable!
  9. At the end of the day, all you can ever really wonder is: What would Jesus do for a Klondike bar?

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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