r.i.p. detonator-3?
¶ by Rob FrieselThe power button or the power supply? The power button or the power supply? The power button or the power supply? The front panel pins or the whole damn mainboard? The front panel pins or the whole damn mainboard? The front panel pins or the whole damn mainboard? The front panel pins or the whole damn mainboard? Busted LEDs or no-goodnik wires? Busted LEDs or no-goodnik wires? Busted LEDs or no-goodnik wires? The processor or the front-side bus? The processor or the front-side bus? The processor or the front-side bus? The power button or the power supply? The power button or the power supply? The power button or the power supply?
if it ain’t one thing, it’s always another
UPDATE: moderate success
2004-08-29 21:58

Detonator-3 gets new life in a new case. Too bad the frustration turned out to be from a bunk power supply in the new case. (Hence having to use the failing power supply from the old chassis to use until I can jam down to the store for an exchange…)
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