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links for 2007-02-28

by Rob Friesel
  • via save $988 a year by bringing your lunch; put into perspective — that’s a Mac mini with upgrade RAM and hard drive (or) a little less than a year’s worth of mobile phone service (your mileage may vary on that one; or) about 120 bottles o

    (tags: money food)

  • via A List Apart (Articles): good essay on modern deployments of hybrid HTML/Flash designs; focus is on using Flash to automate or otherwise handle some of the fancy design elements while leaving the rest of the heavy-lifting to JavaScript and the rest of

    (tags: webdev design flash work essay)

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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