found drama

get oblique

back (and forth)

by Rob Friesel

Back from our exhaustingly quick MD trip and jotting a few notes down while I wait for round 1 round 2 of the pictures to get uploaded to Flickr…

  1. Surprise party for A.’s dad was a huge success. There was (of course?) the challenge of convincing him to leave the house for a sufficiently long time to permit the set up and the guests’ arrivals. That said, he was stunned. Good show. Mission accomplished.
  2. Managed to pick up a new mixer while we were down B’more way, as well. I should be nice and well sorted out for Friday now. Once I get my brain to adopt the mental map of this mixer; bass and treble EQ knobs on this bad boy are reversed from my previous. (Eep!)
  3. On that note, reminder: Friday 27-Apr at 10pm, I’ll be on the decks at Burlington’s Half Lounge. Going to be quite a time — I have a feeling that it’s going to be an extremely fun place to play.
  4. Had a chance to cross paths with John & hte Rza while we were down in B’more. Briefly discussed the writing with John. He seems to have a slightly different take on where to go “from here” than Creighton. I swear, I don’t know why I bother asking for advice at all sometimes.
  5. We also got down to see Sarah, as well. Lookin’ good… Lookin’ (you know) alive.
  6. About 45 pages to go in River of Gods. At this point, leaning toward the “strongly recommended” angle but 45 pages is still enough for it to unravel.

Other news? There is no other news. Just returned to a series of minefields. And trying not to stress is tough sometimes. Maybe I should just force in those comics every morning?

currently playing: Thievery Corporation “The State of the Union”

About Rob Friesel

Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →

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