Linkdump for January 27th
¶ by Rob Friesel-
A neat little collection of JavaScript patterns (and anti-patterns), collected and curated by Shi Chuan.
William Gibson, interviewed at The Verge:
The idea of rarity and value and collectibility fascinates me in an abstract sense. It doesn't particularly drive me to obtain things like that; I'm almost annoyed when something I've been interested in becomes valuable. Then it becomes trouble. I have to take care of it.
at Seven Days — a round-up of a few hypotheses on what's going down with the Vermont environment (i.e., temperature, weather, culture, etc.) as climate change rears its head.
At Rands In Repose.
These are good points, and a thought-provoking essay. But two items that made me grit my teeth:
[1] The fuzzy (and arguably failing) attempt at differentiating the IxD role from UXD role (which winds up sounding like "UXD is the boss of the other designers"), and it's worth doing a compare/contrast with Whitney Hess' venerable "You’re not a user experience designer if…" post from April 2011;
[2] The summary "Party. More. Together." applies to every role, not just "designers vs. engineers" — try partying with your business analysts and product managers, too.
Lastly: it's got a comment thread worth perusing.
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