2012 Goals: Q2 check-in
¶ by Rob FrieselPhew… a few days into Q3 before I realized that I hadn’t taken a moment to reflect. A reflection on the pace of things, perhaps?
For those playing along at home: the original 2012 goals post, and the Q1 check-in post. And now… the Q2 check-in:
- Exercise: ≥4 days each week. Considering we had a new baby in April, and then… well: that other surprise in May, it’s actually kind of amazing that I managed to get in any exercise at all. Still, I managed some:
Not actually too bad of an April and May. And by June I’m more/less back in it. Breaking it down to just the running and walking:
I’m actually keeping up with my desired total mileage each month. As for climbing:
I resigned my monthly membership and moved to a punch card. I was sad to do it, but I just couldn’t justify it any longer. - Reading: ≥36 books. Kicking ass this year? Goodreads is telling me that I’ve already read 29 books this year (this being out of my goal of 36). We’ll skip the graph this quarter. The table tells the tale.
Book Author Date Links Neanderthal John Darnton 1/2 Goodreads; Amazon.com The Cardinal of the Kremlin Tom Clancy 1/15 Goodreads; Amazon.com Animal Farm George Orwell 1/19 Goodreads; Amazon.com We Are in a Book! Mo Willems 1/21 Goodreads; Amazon.com 1 Grendel John Gardner 1/24 Goodreads; Amazon.com Embassytown China Miéville 2/12 my review; Goodreads; Amazon.com Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal Christopher Moore 2/22 Goodreads; Amazon.com Quiet Susan Cain 3/1 my review; Goodreads; Amazon.com The Intuitionist Colson Whitehead 3/6 Goodreads; Amazon.com 2 Against a Dark Background Iain M. Banks 3/21 Goodreads; Amazon.com The Joy of Clojure Fogus & Houser 3/22 3 Goodreads; Amazon.com Running Lean Ash Maurya 3/25 my review; Goodreads; Amazon.com Mobile Design Pattern Gallery Theresa Neil 3/29 my review; Goodreads; Amazon.com Little House in the Big Woods Laura Ingalls Wilder 3/31 4 Goodreads; Amazon.com jQuery UI Eric Sarrion 4/9 my review Code Simplicity Max Kanat-Alexander 4/26 my review Infinite Jest David Foster Wallace 4/29 Notes Farmer Boy Laura Ingalls-Wilder 5/1 5 Little House on the Prairie Laura Ingalls-Wilder 5/15 5 Clojure Programming Chas Emerick 5/19 my review Maintainable JavaScript Nicholas C. Zakas 5/23 my review The Wise Man’s Fear Patrick Rothfuss 5/27 Goodreads The Little MongoDB Book Karl Seguin 6/1 Goodreads The Invention of Hugo Cabret Brian Selznick 6/4 Kanban and Scrum: Making the Most of Both Henrik Kniberg 6/9 Goodreads Player Piano Kurt Vonnegut 6/10 Goodreads The REST API Design Rulebook Mark Massé 6/12 my review Imagine: How Creativity Works Jonah Lehrer 6/17 my review Alien Contact (anthology) Marty Halpern 6/21 my review Developing Web Applications with Haskell and Yesod Michael Snoyman 6/30 6 my review …and those are the books that Goodreads is telling me I have finished in 2012 so far. Also: five more irons in the fire, as it were. And months to go before the year is out.
Reading: 10 new authors.Most of the books have been new, and many of the authors have been, as well. At least half, by my count.- Writing: ≥5 hours each week; 1000+ words per session. Remember when I mentioned the new baby? and “the other thing”? back when I was talking about my total exercise? It’s basically the same story here:
This suffered from those incidents. March and April were both strong though, and July is already a better month than both May and June. So there’s a chance for recovery. Writing: Finish a draft of my novel-in-progress.This is completed. March 13th was when I “finished” that first draft. Been working on a re-read and revisions. Slowly but surely.- Code: Write something (anything!) in Clojure. Remember that little Groovy program to generate the 2011 reading timeline? I thought maybe I’d write a version in Clojure.
- Yes, it’s a kid’s book. So what? I read it for The Boy enough times.[↩]
- Which, seriously, I know I don’t have my own review posted anywhere but… 5-stars. Really: go out and read it right now.[↩]
- But I’d been working on this one since… July 2011? A good long while.[↩]
- Though admittedly: that was a co-read with A., for H.; and A. did most of the reading.[↩]
- Ibid.[↩][↩]
- …or 7/1, depending on how you figure the fuzzy end on this one, for me.[↩]
About Rob Friesel
Software engineer by day. Science fiction writer by night. Weekend homebrewer, beer educator at Black Flannel, and Certified Cicerone. Author of The PhantomJS Cookbook and a short story in Please Do Not Remove. View all posts by Rob Friesel →One Response to 2012 Goals: Q2 check-in
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